Positivity is a key aspect of life, particularly in sales.  Quite often in sales you are told no more often then you are told yes, and one must have endurance to deal with those rejections and find it within themselves to be tenacious.  Positivity is a big part of this tenacious spirit.

Barbara Fredrickson, distinguished professor of psychology and principal investigator of the Positive Emotions and Psychological Laboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has studied and analyzed the effect that positivity has people and its ideal ratio.  Her findings revealed that positive feelings can tip the scale towards a life that can be flourishing.

Fredrickson’s findings showed that a ratio of positive thought to negative thought of 3:1 was when people truly flourished.  Being positive in times of adversity can be extremely trying and difficult, however, it can be extremely rewarding and can allow you to truly succeed. If you are interested in seeing what your ratio is click on the link below to find out!


One thought on “Positiveity Ratios”
  1. This positivity ratio is effective not only in self-talk, but also in your relationships with other people, particularly close relationships or work relationships where you are attempting to help one another grow. If you are too negative in a relationship you could cause a wedge to form between you and the other person, especially if your negativity is undeserved. If you’re overly positive, however, the other person may begin to question your compliments. Nobody is perfect, so it is necessary to point out major faults in a constructive way, but everyone needs to be built up, too, so it is important to let people know when they’ve done something well.

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