In Daniel Pink’s To Sell is Human, the topic of positivity is set in stone. However, in the world we live, positivity is a conundrum. The perplexity and mystification of positivity has boggled the minds of human beings for as long as anyone can remember. Finally, the truth is being revealed to us after ages of living in an enigma.

This may be a little dramatic but, I digress.

Pink describes positivity ratios as “beneficial effects of positive emotions during the sales process.” Now there are an infinite number of these ratios, however there is a finite number of effective ones. At a ratio of 1:1 and 1:2, people languish. If you thought the best ratio was 11:1, you are absolutely and utterly misinformed my friend.

The best positivity ratio, according to Pink, is 3:1. Who would have thought that a there was a “healthy amount of negativity?” You may ask yourself (I know I did), “WHO WOULDA THUNK?”

Pink stresses to maintain a balance of levity and gravity by using the 10 positive emotions: joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, and love. By monitoring your positive-negative emotion ratio, you can become an effective salesperson who is able to build relationships and connect with customers in the long haul!

Try to maintain your positivity ratio!

~ Zach B.

By zberry7

4 thoughts on “Positivity of Champions”
  1. Good posts! I think this ratio can also apply to internal motivation and evaluation. Often times people are either arrogant (feeding themselves to much positivity) or so humble they don’t have faith in themselves to make a good decision. If we are able to incorporate the ratio into our self-talk it can boost confidence etc.

  2. I really like your point about the 10 positive emotions. These are great things to incorporate in any sales conversation, but also in any life conversation.

  3. That’s a great point, Larry (and Zack!). I think it’s often easy to allow our circumstances to dictate our emotions. Maintaining a healthy positive ratio is crucial as we go through the ups and downs of life in general and life as a salesman. I think Pink’s emphasis on the importance of the 10 positive emotions is an easy way to constantly be evaluating ones state of mind.

  4. In sales, it is very easy to get down on yourself when people are consistently telling you “No.” Keeping your mindset in line with the 10 positive emotions is a great starting point for staying positive and motivated moving forward.

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