There are a lot of key tools to use in sales to help reach the end goal of closing a deal, but it is not always the big tools that help you do this. A lot of it has to do with the small details. One of the small details is reading the room of who you are trying to sell to. Knowing how to handle certain people, there will be times that you are dealing with somone that has high energy and have to match that energy same with people that are calm, you must match it. When matching their body language, and attitude towards what you are selling, allows for them to get comfortable with you and gain trust from the customer. Having these types of details while selling will help close deals for the seller and benefit to consumer in a trusted realtionship.

3 thoughts on “Post #4”
  1. Great post Hamel! I completely agree with the sediment of being able to read a room and the small details it provides. Being able to adapt to your surroundings is key to gaining the trust of a potential client.

  2. Nate, this is great stuff. It is absolutely crucial to be able to read the room of the people you’re selling to, and using that reading to adapt to your surroundings is key as well.

  3. Exactly right, Hamel. Learning how to read the room is so important in terms of sales efficiency. It’s always the little things that are the most important. They add up and will lead to more sales as well as building real relationships with the clients that will generate more sales down the road.

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