I really enjoyed listening to the lectures by our guest speaker, Dan. His lively personality made his talks very easy to listen to, and he covered some very interesting topics. The most striking thing from his two talks was his suggestion that handshakes should only be initiated by prospects. This notion runs very contrary to everything I had been taught by society. To me, handshakes are a sign of peace and a respectful gesture when meeting someone. As a result, I instinctively initiate handshakes often. I would even feel rude for not initiating and would think that I am behaving in an unwelcoming way. This is something that I will have to give more thought and consideration on whether I will implement the tactic of whether or not to implement a handshake. Another interesting point that Dan brings up is the importance of words. He mentioned that how you say something can matter as much or more than what you say. He explained that you can phrase two sentences to mean pretty much the same thing, but they can imply something else. An example of this is “Can I have thirty minutes of your time” versus “I have thirty minutes, does that work?” In the first scenario, it implies groveling or begging, possibly making you appear desperate or needy. In the second scenario, confidence is displayed to your prospect. I find this to be very helpful information for sales and everyday life. I plan on using this when asking women on dates.


4 thoughts on “Post 6: Guest Speaker Dan”
  1. I also loved having Dan come speak to us! He was so knowledgeable, and particularly memorable for his take on handshakes. I’ve thought about this a lot since, and I am not sure which way to go either! Maybe his handshake aversion was a personal thing, who knows. I definitely learned a lot too, and loved this guest speaker.

  2. I was a big fan of Dan’s visit to the classroom, there was a lot of helpful insight into sales and it’s always nice to hear tips and tricks from a guest who brings a new perspective to how you approach and understand a subject.

  3. I really enjoyed when Dan came to class. I thought he brought a new and interesting perspective towards sales. I was also intrigued by the handshake, I would feel bad if I didn’t offer a handshake in a meeting. Great post and good luck on those dates!

  4. Having dan come to class and talk was a pretty sweet opportunity. He is so well versed in the techniques of sales it was great to see someone who uses the things in class every day.

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