Jolt of the unfamiliar in sales is very important. Humans are used to habits of everyday life, and changing things up with a customer or client will help with letting them see a different view of the sale that they couldn’t see without a change. It opens up different views of what you are trying to sell and how it can affect them in a positive way. It is also not just physical change but also the use of language to change how the customer thinks. Past or future tense helps them think differently about how they might need the help from you. walking them through the future and how the pain can show up again will help close the deal. This tip will help close deals with the uncertain customer/client that could have been just a waste of time.

2 thoughts on “post #7 – Tips on Clarity”
  1. Your insight into using language to alter the customer’s thinking is particularly insightful. By framing discussions in past or future tense, we can help clients visualize how our offering can address their needs or pain points, leading to a more compelling and persuasive sales pitch.

  2. Great post Hamel, injecting novelty into sales is crucial. Humans crave routine but disrupting it for clients offers fresh perspectives on products/services. Changing language guides clients to visualize needs, aiding closure with uncertain customers and avoiding time wastage.

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