So, in clase we have discussed a lot about how to prepare for a sale and what to expect when entering different types of sales scenarios. We have also really focused on prospecting and the sale itself. While discussing these topics we took a gander at the Sandler Submarine.

An aspect of this model that I find really interesting is one that we haven’t discussed in a whole lot of detail. That is the the post-sell. I feel like the post sell is really easy to forget about, but a necessity for maintaining customer relationships. Especially, for a new business creating relationships and creating return customers is crucial to business survival. A lot of return customers and word-of-mouth marketing is established during the post-sell portion.

My experience with post-sell unfortunately is not a pleasant one. Just recently my parents purchased a new home. The process was long and painstaking. Which is understanderable when making such a large purchase. During this entire two year long process the real estate agent was extremely helpful in the early stages of the Sandler Submarine, but we found her follow-through in post-sell to be tragically lacking.

One of the big sells for the house was their was a really cool type of home improvement insurance that the realtor used to cover the home. For 5 years after purchase they would cover and unexpected home repairs that the house needed. However, a week after purchase the air conditioning broke. It was a three day expereince just trying to get the repair people to our home through the insurance system. Once they fianlly came they didnt even fix it. Frustrated my parents contacted their real estate agent who pretty much told them their ways really nothing she could do. The entire process caused the relationship my parents had built with her to collapse. I’m excited to learn techniques in this clase that will help us learn how to be successful in the post-sell. Because, honestly it will make or break a company’s customer base.

One thought on “Post-sale Selling?”
  1. It’s interesting to focus on this because it is a key element of profitability. The post sell should have just as much attention as the other items because of the profitability of returning customers and how much more expensive it is to acquire new ones. If a customer relationship isn’t maintained, its bad bad business practice because it can damage reputation and cost the company money.

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