Over the last week, I’ve been interacting with sales a lot more than I usually do. My friend has been given the opportunity to do door-to-door sales in Boston this summer. He is really excited about the idea and is ready to take it head-on, one small issue, he is very unfamiliar with the practice. I did a couple of mock interviews/sales and he did what you don’t want to do in a sales interview. He told me about the features and not the benefits. He did not stay in control of the conversation and allowed me to ask questions. he would talk about 90% of the time, which bored me as a sales prospect. I tried to be a little hard to get with the sale but as a result, he didn’t know what to do. So once all was said and done I gave him critic and what book she should read in order to get a good idea of what to do. Overall, I took a look at this experience it made ME the teacher in the interaction which just reinforced what I already knew.

3 thoughts on “Practice makes Perfect”
  1. I think practice is a very important part to becoming a great sales person. I think if you practice and repeat your pitch too much you could sound like a robot and not handle different situations, practice in a way that you can adapt quickly in a conversation. Great post.

  2. Awesome post! Your post was very interesting because of how you applied many of the sales skills from the view of the customer and saw what he did wrong. I believe that with practice your friend will become a very good salesman in the future because of the skills you showed him.

  3. Dallas, well done, this is a well written post. I really like how you were able to apply your sales knowledge in a tangible way and that you were able to help your friend to grow in his sales conversation skills. I think it is very important to be able to educate people on the things we get to learn at Grove City!

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