I want to just start this by saying that I have never enjoyed a 3 hour lecture more in my life. It was so engaging and I learned so much.

The start of the lecture began with the idea that the postures towards culture is to condemn, critique, copy, and consume. The idea is that in order to change culture you have to create more of it. Sadly, this increase in culture or unprecedented change, societal change, and progress it is often occurring with leaving the gospel behind.  Entrepreneurs which was made clear throughout the lecture can truly be anyone in any field can become one and be put in the position to be an entrepreneur. As believers entrepreneurs will need to win some cultural witnesses, meaning their ventures need to be a demonstrated apologetic.  When I heard this I looked up the actual definition of apologetic’s which was a “reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine”. So a demonstrated version is instead an in action definition of one’s venture.  This is a combination of theology, culture, and entrepreneurship.

Lastly, leader spiritual growth was something that also caught my attention.  I think this can be something that is so challenging as believers especially in the business world.  The idea of leader spiritual growth is to develop as a leader and team through the practice and application of the gospel dynamics.  I think as future Christians in the business world it is important to be prepared for challenges and realizing how to form a business and how to be a leader in a business by laying a foundation of Christian principles.

All in all, it was a great afternoon. I was challenged in my thinking and learned a ton about entrepreneurship. Christian leadership and was given great examples of Christian leadership and following the Lord’s call to start businesses and pursue what the Lord has in store for them.

One thought on “Praxis Academy”
  1. I also just LOVED the Praxis talk. It was so encouraging and inspiring to see how they approach business and the ability of a company to effect culture in a positive way through the message their business pushes. Great post!

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