Last week we had the privilege of having Mr. VanEerden speak to our class.  He shared many important lessons in sales but one that stood out to me was the ability to have a positive predisposition.  Often we get so caught up in all of the skills we must be equipped with that we forget a basic essential for sales, the ability to be likable.  This may seem trite but it is actually extremely important.  If people do not feel as though they can relate to you, or even worse trust you, then you will most likely be less successful in sales.

Since this has been established as such an important aspect of sales I decided to do a bit of research into the mystery of likability,  In a TIME Magazine I came across an article titled “14 Ways to Become a More Likable Person.”   Below are five that stood out to me!

  1. Smile when Speaking to others.                                                                                                              This may seem trite, however it can make people feel values and understood.
  2. Develop a positive mental attitude and let it be seen and felt by others.                                        It’s often easy to give into cynicism, but those who choose to be positive set themselves up for success and have better reputations.
  3. Pay close attention to whoever is speaking.                                                                                          When you listen you make people feel important and like you are completely focused on them, rather than outside distractions.
  4. Be patient.                                                                                                                                                  Proper timing of your words and actions will give you a tremendous advantage over those who are not patient.
  5. Praise others without being excessive.                                                                                                  Praise others for their good traits, but do not overdo it.  At that point it will not seem genuine.

Take some of these points into consideration, and maybe even try a few.  Maybe you’ll make a new friend!

2 thoughts on “Predisposition: The Key to Success”
  1. I think I’ll pass that article on to my dad – it compliments what he had to say very well. My favorite of your points is #5. There’s a fine line between genuinely complimenting someone for something they’ve done and being a sycophant. Great research and thanks for sharing!

  2. I definitely agree! I also think that being personable really ties well with the content in here. Also a great way to build relationships.
    I also spoke on patience in my blog post and I think that is something that is also very important as well. A customer can sense when you are rushing them, and that will not close a sale. You need to be patient with them, and while there may be more than one customer you are waiting on, you need to treat them like they are the only customer in the store. Again, ties in well with the concept of building good relationships. Give them a reason to come back! 🙂
    Great post.

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