In class we talked about core concept #6. It said do not buy back tomorrow what you sold today. With this concept we had four main points that I thought were very helpful for myself in future sales situations. I know that for myself that when I make big purchases that I do not get buyers remorse because of how the sales person has helped me and used these points. The first point was to have a negative reverse. Which is to do something that the prospect does not expect from the sales person. Which as a customer I have appreciated because it makes the sales person seem more trust worthy. The second point was to review the positives. I like this step because it is reassurance as to why I want the product. which ties into the third point of review the reasons they want to buy. Which the reasons could have been increased after you reviewed the positives. The final step is to revisit the issues that represent lingering doubt. This step is crucial because if you eliminate the lingering doubt then the customer is more likely to buy the product.

2 thoughts on “Preventing Buyers Remorse”
  1. I agree that preventing buyer’s remorse is key. I didn’t know practical ways to achieve this aspect of selling – but the ones you mentioned/ones we talked about in class are super helpful. Thanks for sharing, glad you liked them too!

  2. I personally really enjoyed this rule, because it kinda proved to me that you’re not just in it for the sale. You want to make sure the customer really wants what they’re getting. While this is still partially motivated by a selfish necessity, everyone benefits here.

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