Upon hearing the term “Salesperson” one might immediately think of the typical pushy salespeople we often see in movies and at car dealers. However, selling is ultimately about identifying and solving problems. This concept is similar to how an entrepreneur operates when looking to start a new venture. Instead of creating a solution however, a salesperson simply offers a well-fitting pre-established solution to the problem. As the saying goes, people don’t buy products, they buy solutions. This is an absolutely crucial aspect to selling, and awareness of this will ultimately allow for much more meaningful sales interactions as a salesperson. Every problem is an opportunity for a solution and therefore a selling opportunity. Identifying the problem and finding the best fitting solution is a difficult aspect to selling, along with enabling the prospective customer to see the value in the solution. Potential customers may initially claim they are looking for a specific product, however upon reasonable questioning they will begin to concede details on “why” they need the product. This is where solution finding is essential and crucial to closing the sale.

6 thoughts on “Problem Solving”
  1. Knowing that the core of selling is problem solving really hammers home the point that the core activities of a sales person are listening and understanding the problem. How do you offer the right solution if you don’t know what the problem is.

  2. A lot of the time I see salespeople in different companies spewing all the knowledge they have about the product to a prospect when they don’t even know what their pain is. If everyone focused on finding the prospect’s pain first then I think the stigma surrounding salespeople would disappear.

  3. You mentioned “enabling the potential customer to see the value in the solution” and I think that’s where selling really comes in. That is an exceptional way to describe the movement and thought behind the selling process. Really good share.

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