Knowing what you are selling is a very important part of being a salesperson.  This is important because the whole point of selling is to try and pinpoint what the prospects pain really is.  The only way you can help the prospect is to educate them in your product or service and see if they would be interested in buying what you are selling.  Whenever you are educating the prospect about your product, you need to figure out what will really help them solve their issue.  Even if they don’t want to buy your product, it is helpful to know about your competitors, and other options in that specific field so you cant relay that information onto the prospect.  Sales isn’t just about getting a yes or no from the prospect, but also doing everything you can to put them on the right track.  By doing so, you are building your credibility, and also letting them know that you really do have their best interest in mind. This may lead to them coming back to you for business, or telling other prospects about your services so you can have future business with other people.

One thought on “Product knowledge when selling”
  1. I ran into this same idea while preparing for my in-class sales conversation. The more I listened to others give their pitches in class, the more I realized that I really needed to know a lot about the product I was selling. And there were still questions I wasn’t prepared for! Definitely product knowledge is essential. Great post!

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