A motivated sales staff is critical to the success of your company. The relationships they build with your clients and customer create the foundation of your organization. Not just in terms of individual sales, but also your overall reputation and growth.

There are many different ways to motivate a sales team, but it is key to understand that not all employees are the same. Some companies use a quota program with bonuses and other rewards. Others go the fun route with contests, trips, tickets. But sales professionals need more than gift cards or event tickets


Many sales teams hold weekly, monthly, and quarterly contest on both the individual and team level. You can set the parameters to fit your business. Everyone is used to the system that rewards the top performer. Maybe try a system that rewards the person that tries the hardest. Another system you can try is rewarding the person that has gotten the most “no’s”. This might sound crazy, but you get a lot of no’s while doing sales. The more no’s you get the closer you are to getting a yes.

Games and perks

Some sales people, the ability to have fun during work time is even more of a motivator than money. Common rewards include leaving work early, attending a happy hour or even giving a away a trip. Rick Hanson, A vice president for sales with Hewlett-Packard enterprise security, Said his company uses Fantasysalesteam to award points to Sales reps for carrying out their daily goals like closing a deal. The twist is that reps don’t compete as individual, they build teams just like fantasy football. By doing this they create a friendly game, that motivates their company.

Career experiences

Fun and financial reward often work, but some employees, the ultimate rewards is the opportunity to get ahead in their careers. Managers should offer incentives that help employees develop skills to move to the next level, including your own time. Jeff Hoffman, a sales executive and founder of your sales MBA, said try a sales contest where the prize is you. Many sales reps crave one on one time with a senior leader to share their thoughts and ideas.

2 thoughts on “Proven way to motivate your sales team”
  1. The idea of motivating a sales force by using a fantasy sales team sounds like so much fun! That would be a great way to boost sales, encourage competitiveness, and also have fun.

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