Being efficient in the business field is important. Knowing where stuff is and being able to retrieve what is needed in a timely manner is always helpful. It is also easier to keep things clean and it provides a better work environment for everyone around you. Here are some helpful pointers to help keep your work environment clean:

  • Clean and organize your desk.
    • Update your files and replace old files. Use different colors and be sure to label your files.
  • Use only one calendar.
    • Whether it be on your phone, computer, or a calendar that is on your desk. Be sure to only use one calendar to keep yourself organized.
  • Make a list of your goals.
  • Get rid of office supplies that haven’t been used in over a year.
    • This means less clutter in your office and more space for things that are being used on a monthly basis.
  • Be sure the surroundings around your desk are clean.

Using these tips will improve your daily work style. You will be more productive and you will be able to accomplish more from day to day. This could also motivate others to be more organized, which would bode well for the company as a whole.

By PlantsAB1

Business Management Major

3 thoughts on “Quick Tips for Getting Organized”
  1. this post reminds me about some points i leared in lean management about organizing your business. It makes it easier to find things, makes your business more efficient and makes everything run better overall.

    I love these points because organization is something people often forget the importance of.

  2. I needed this… thank you! Organization is the first thing you must do before you hope to accomplish anything. Then again, you may be able to accomplish your designated task in a messy environment… but chances are you will be much more efficient and effective in a organized environment.

  3. As a naturally unorganized person who college has forced to be organized I definitely agree with this. It is so important, things fall through the cracks so easily without organization.

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