The following are 4 key ways to improve your sales conversations, from RAIN Group.

1. Build a rapport: Before probing the prospect for information, the salesperson must talk about how they can help them.  They must establish a sense of trust and mutual understanding.  This is key to building an effective business relationship.

2. Uncover aspirations and afflictions. It is vitally important to uncover exactly what the prospect’s problem is, in order to effectively explain how you can solve their problem.  But beyond this, you must determine exactly wat their goals and aspirations are.  From there, you can tell them how you can help them achieve them.

3. Make the impact clear. You must paint a crystal clear picture of what your business will do for their business. If they fail to see the value in your product of service, you will not make the sale.

4. Plan to succeed. Before each sales conversation, prepare.  Set a table of goals and expectations about what you hope to gain out of the conversation.  Do your research, and be well-informed about what you and your business can do for them and theirs.  If you enter each new conversation with a plan in place, you will be much more likely to make that sale.

(Adapted from Erica Stritch’s article, entitled “7 Keys to Leading Highly Effective Sales Conversations.”)  <>

One thought on “RAIN Group’s Keys to Improve Your Sales Conversations”
  1. Interesting post! I’m not sure that I entirely agree with the first way though. You can’t talk about how helpful you’ll be to that person until you know what they need help with. Also, it feels a little like spilling your candy in the lobby, because I’d imagine that building a rapport is citing how great your product has been for other people, or something like that. Learning about the prospect and letting your trustworthiness shine through in a more natural converational style.

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