Not all sales exchanges with potential clients will go the way you want them to.  Sometimes the person will realize they do not need what you are selling, sometimes you will realize that it may not be a good fit, and sometimes you just might not be able to gain their trust.  The important thing to remember is the difference between the real you and the role you.  Mattson covers this in his book “The Sandler Rules” and dives into the idea that the real you does not fail when the role you does.  Recovering from a failed sales call can be difficult but it is important to bounce back and get ready for the next one.

Nobody wants to fail but it is important to realize that it is part of life and that it is inevitable.  The best thing to do when you fail at a sales call is learn from it.  Take out the positive elements, then think about what went wrong, and figure out how to do better on the next one.  Once you figure out how to do better on the next one start focusing on the next one.  The best part about sales is that there you can make an opportunity to do better.  The best thing to do is be optimistic about the next one and do your best to figure out how you can be successful on the next one.  If the next one goes bad and ends in a failed experience just repeat the process.  The more opportunities you make for yourself to sell stuff the more chance you have of succeeding.

2 thoughts on “Recovering From a Failed Sales Exchange”
  1. Hi Owen, I think it’s important to learn the difference between the “real you” and “role you.” This is a powerful mindset. Knowing that your failure to sell doesn’t affect your intrinsic worth allows us to separate personal and professional failure. As Shakira sings in the hit movie, “Zootopia,” “You gotta get up and try…” There is no harm in trying and failing. That is how we learn some of our greatest lessons.

  2. I loved reading your post about the real you and the role you. I think this is something super important that sellers have to keep in the back of their minds. Great Post!

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