As I’ve wrote before, I work at Primanti’s and now that I’ve been in this class I’ve realized a lot of things about selling. There’s a few families who are regulars and come to Primanti’s every week or at least a couple times a month. I’ve waited on a couple who usually comes multiple times a week and I happened to wait on them two days in a row. He asked me if I remembered their order from the day before and surprisingly I did. He was pretty impressed and we started having full conversations about school and life. The fact that I remembered them and what they ordered made a good impression and they were able to trust me once we got to know each other. They started asking for my opinion on what they should get today and almost always get whatever I recommend. It’s been cool to see how we’ve formed a relationship and that being personable goes a long way in any job. I don’t have to sell anything specific, but I try to make a lasting impression to get them to come back. Being able to talk and have a relationship with a customer really helps to make their experience positive and keep them coming back.

5 thoughts on “Relationships in Selling”
  1. I really enjoyed this article. Relationships in business can have a huge impact. Sometimes it is not so easy to win people over though. If perhaps you mess something up in that beginning relationship stage, it can be very difficult to gain that persons trust and confidence. This tends to vary from person to person though.

    1. Great post! I love Primanti’s . Every time I go there the staff is very friendly and welcoming making the place more appealing to the customer. I agree with what you said about relationships and I agree that they have a huge impact no matter what the sale.

  2. Having worked in a restaurant myself I can testify to the importance of relationships in the food industry, but really in any type of business. When people realize that you care about them they are willing trust you so much more. It can be as simple as remembering their lunch order from the previous day, or going the extra mile to make sure they are taken care of. It’s amazing what a little extra effort can do.

  3. I wonder if why relationships really work in sales is because they are memorable. Since the style of selling is still transitioning from pushy to empathetic, salespeople who actually take the time to build relationships with their clients still seem to be the exception – not the rule. It will be really interesting to see in 10 years or so if relationship-based selling is the new normal… and if it is thus less effective because of it’s commonality.

  4. Relationships are the foundations for any type of sales. Its cool to hear about how you are able to see this through your work. Traditional forms of selling are a thing of the past and every sale nowadays are based on a relationship of some form or another.

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