I have purchased multiple motorcycle throughout the past five years, and I have interacted with plenty of salespeople. One in particular stands out to me. I was on the hunt to find a small displacement bike for my fiancé to learn on when I came across a really good deal. After doing some research on the particular bike, I ended up going into the store to check it out. Upon entering I was greeted by a gentleman asking how I was doing and what brings me in today. I told him the bike that I wanted to see, and he led me to it. On the way over, he asked me if I wanted any coffee or water. I knew I could use some coffee so I took him up on the offer. We went through and discussed many details on the bike and what the finances would look like. He showed me some similar style bikes that were a little pricier but never once tried to convince me on them over the one I intended on buying. Throughout our conversation, we began talking about other things such as hunting/fishing, and just started to build a relationship. After I decided that I wanted to buy the bike, he needed up taking a little more off the price and really gave me a good deal.

This salesman demonstrated how a good salesman should be. Never once did he become pushy and try to force me to buy it. He was 100% honest the entire time when discussing the details about the bike. He then went above and beyond to get me a cup of coffee as well as build a personal relationship with me while talking about things we had in common. I have personally interacted with some salespeople who were very pushy and some that just didn’t care and made you seem like you were not even there. To this day, this gentleman sends me emails asking about the how the bike is, and how life is in general. He has created a relationship that has made me think highly of him and also the company he works for. Although I intended to buy the bike when i first got to the store, the salesman made it much easier to want to buy the bike but also to buy it from their company. I would highly recommend their company to anyone looking to buy a motorcycle.

3 thoughts on “Riding Away with a Good Deal”
  1. That salesman definitely showed how to be a good salesman. I personally feel like its hard to come by a salesman that will take a little bit off the price because you built a relationship with him while shopping for a motorcycle. It always makes the experience better when you have a good salesman, because you can always recommend the company to friends and families.

  2. This is great. I think what’s really key here in this transaction was how personable the salesman was. Finding common interests and having a good conversation can be a great way to break the ice with a potential buyer and establish the grounds for the relationship you mentioned. The more you see the salesperson as less of a salesperson, the more likely you are to have a smooth experience with them and walk away at the very least with a pleasant interaction. Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Nick, I love how you pointed out that fact at the end of your post that you came into the store prepared to buy. A lot of times we can think that means it doesn’t matter what the salesperson does because we already found what we are looking for. However, I think you pointed out something important, the salesperson made the decision way easier for you and even connected with you on a personal level in the process. This demonstrates the qualities we should find in good salespeople and how that can lead to a great experience when purchasing something.

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