When it comes to pitching and selling an idea to an audience more will be needed to convince that audience to buy into that idea than just expertise. Even though fundamentally your idea may not be fully fleshed out, you can still convince people to buy into your idea. By using your interest, passion and delivery in your topic pitch you can sway people to at least care just as much in a topic as you. An excellent way to perform this, is to create a connection with your audience and you can do that by humanizing your idea, and finding a way to connect the idea to a shared experience. If your simple idea improves the quality of life of users, start by pointing out the pains and how they might psychologically affect people and try to use compassion and grace to show your audience you understand the problem. And then highlight the features or steps you will take to solve these pains. An important factor is to connect to the heart. In Sweet’s class we talked about uncovering pain as an important aspect of successful sales, so understanding the state of customers before your proposed solution is important. Uncovering these pains and then humanizing this pain will be important to connect with your audience (this might be investors).

One thought on “Roles of passion and heart in pitching and uncovering pain”
  1. Creating a connection is big. Without it you are less likely to get the sale, and need to work harder to get a customer and even retain them as well.

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