Over spring break, I went down to Ocean City Maryland and my friends and I went down to the Ron Jon surf shop. I was looking for a keychain as I do collect them everywhere I go and maybe a shirt. When I walked in, all the employees were on their phones and in general just look disinterested in doing their job. I even went out of my way to start conversations with my friends that showed that I was confused in what I wanted and obviously need help. Asking questions like, “What should I get?”, “I like this design but they do not have my size”. Still none of the employees made any moves or any efforts to make my sales experience better.

Once their boss came out from his office, they immediately put their phones down and one of them walked over to me and started asking me if I needed any help. My trust with them was destroyed because they did not show any interest in my sales experience earlier when I originally entered the store. I did not really say anything to the worker and then they tried to ask me more questions because of what they heard earlier. They just came off as pushy and wanting to impress the boss and not interested in me at all. I ended up buying a shirt but the sales people had nothing to do with that and I possibly would have bought more if they had shown some effort.

One thought on “Ron Jon Surf Shop Salesman”
  1. Wow, fake sales people really do make a bad impression. It’s really unfortunate that the employees didn’t feel like helping until the boss walked in. We really need more good salespeople in the world and I hope those employees develop some motivation to help customers. Good post!

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