Sandler Rule 27 shares the importance of letting the prospect make their own conclusions. Asking questions, that frame the benefit of the product, allows the customer to reach their own conclusion without forcing facts on the customer. This is different from the sales approach where the salesman spouts off facts at a fast speed and leaves you overwhelmed with statistics and facts. This allows the customer to hear a fact but then decide for themselves if this would be helpful to them.

We don’t always know a customer’s business. As much as we think we know, we may be missing vital information. It is possible to hurt a sales relationship if you spout off facts, claiming to know what is important for the company, if you are missing vital information. Allowing the customer to decide for themselves that the facts and statistics about your service would benefit their company, helps the customer to believe even more in your business and makes sure that the prospect is serious about the sale.

This past weekend I was attempting to help my dad and an elder pick a Church website template. I knew which website would work better but the elder did not seem willing to budge. Instead of trying to tell him what to do, I just let him think things over for a couple days. He came back to me and informed me that he had done his own research and knew that this was the right decision. I could have gone into a lot of details on why he should pick the website that I liked, but he just needed time and to do his own research without me telling him what to do, to make his own decision.

By allieo

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