When a customer says no, should the salesperson close the sale or close the file? The classic salesperson technique is to find out how to overcome it. The salesperson should always have these three important questions running through their head during a sales meeting: Is it a good fit? Is this person willing to work with me? Could my efforts be more productive somewhere else? When talking to a client, you can start to know when you are at that point and if you should close the file.

Closing the sale does not mean that there is not a possibility in the future. For example, I worked at a small business selling generators to businesses and homes. I would talk to customers on the phone and a lot of them would say “No, I’m not interested”, especially during the pandemic. After they told me no, I had to ask them questions about why they said no such as, “What’s holding you back?” or “Is this a definite no or would you be interested in the future?”. I asked straight-forward questions to make sure we were both on the same page. Many of them said that they weren’t interested at the time but would be in the near future or post-pandemic. Some of them told me they weren’t interested in purchasing a generator. In this situation, I knew was able to know which clients to close the sale with and which clients to close the file with. The best thing I did in those calls were to directly ask them to make sure we were on the same page and there was no miscommunication.

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