Sandler’s Rule #36, “Only decision makers can get to other decision makers” is profound in the selling process. This phrase absolutely reframes the ways sales work and goes counter to almost every preconceived notion people tend to have. I think it is a mindset and approach really evens the playing field and allows the seller to act more confident throughout the conversation. It states that the salesperson has valuable resources and will not waste them on the wrong client. It redistributes power and lines up with the powerful sales move of asking questions. Knowing you are a decision maker also allows for so much buoyancy, as sales success is less about making the sale and more about finding the right buyer.

2 thoughts on “Rule #36”
  1. I think this is a very good point. I would imagine that failure is often the result of losing focus from the one person who is actually capable of making the decision in a situation. Be that begging your dad to let your buddy sleep over when you were 6 when you should have asked mom or what have you. At the end of the day, all efforts are essentially wasted if you aren’t able to properly identify the key decision maker and that should be top priority in any selling situation or any time you need to convince someone of something.

  2. Great post! I think that Sandler’s rules help out in sales so much. Being confident during a sales pitch can either make or break the sale, and having high confidence in yourself and the product can usually lead to a sale. I like how you talked about evening up the dynamic during the conversation letting the sellers gain confidence.

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