Evan Addams, a Grove City grad and member of the Okies Fraternity, gave an eye-opening and inspirational speech full of anecdotal evidence and a heavy dash of reality. He highlighted multiple stories while selling his restaurant tech where he met face to face with clients to discuss deals and how he actually made his first sales.

He talked about how he had to go restaurant to restaurant talking to owners. He made mistakes at first, focusing on the features and benefits of his product, however, he soon realized some of those when he made his first sale. He really took time to listen to his customer and find out what was really paining them and how he could better replace the beepers. One of the most impactful parts of his talk was about how he was willing to sacrifice some of his time to learn how each of his restaurant owner’s restaurants worked. He was willing to not take pay to show them that he was committed to learning how they operated, he described how often this would take this off guard and also helped him get a guaranteed foot in the door. I really enjoyed his speech and look forward to his next visit.

By Mason

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