There is an interesting and inherent relationship between salespeople and a business’s customer service department. Salespeople are often, and understandably, concerned with successfully achieving their sales goals, and presenting themselves in a positive light to clients; it can be easy, therefore, to forget the important role they play as ambassadors for the company they represent. When prospecting or meeting with potential clients, salespeople are often the first official point of contact for customers, and are therefore tasked with making a good first impression on behalf of the company. As ambassadors for the company, salespeople should be concerned not only with selling their particular product or service, but with selling the company as a whole. In the event that a service is irrelevant to a prospect’s current needs, a salesperson’s impact can lead to future sales for the company if they are able to make a favorable impact on behalf of their business. In this way, salespeople are unofficial customer service members—seeking to serve customers’ needs, to build, and to maintain relationships with clients.

2 thoughts on “Sales Ambassadors”
  1. I agree wholeheartedly about the importance of selling a brand, not just a product. I know personally if I have a great experience with a brand I am so much more likely to return. If you sell a bran you’re not just making one sale, but the possibility of ten more.

  2. I think you’re really on to something Amy. It reminds me of the chapter in Daniel Pink’s book on elasticity. Everyone from the software engineer to the customer service representative is now in sales and, thus, we are all ambassadors.

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