I think this class is so interesting because it includes a lot of skills that are not restricted to the sales setting. It argues both that the sales setting is expanding and redefined and that sales related skills are applicable to many areas of life. One lesson I’ve seen to pay off in my normal interactions is asking questions. I’ve found that asking continuous questions to keep a conversation going allows for so much richness in relationships. It builds so much trust and can definitely come from a place of genuine interest. It’s even grown genuine interest in me. When I’m in a conversation and continuing to ask questions, it becomes easier to listen to understand instead of just to respond. I think this idea and practice ties so well to our call as Christians to lose our lives as Jesus did. Listening to understand and love others is the key to reducing our power to increase it as we follow Jesus’ example. We have to earn the right to pitch a project or share the gospel. People are more inclined to hear us our when we prove our care for them and our ability to understand them.

One thought on “Sales and Humanities”
  1. Great post!
    Your reflection on asking questions and building a relationship was interesting because often salesman don’t do either of these things.

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