I am no sales genius and I don’t have any real good input to how a sales person should act, but I am reading a book called How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie. One of the main skills that I have learned from the book is this, being able to listen to what the person is saying and making them feel like you care about what’s going on in their lives. For many of us, we could care less about what other people are going through. We only care about ourselves and what’s going in our lives! But in Carnegie’s book in this chapter, we tend to influence the people that we listen very intently to. Not only will this give us valuable information about the person, it will also send a positive remark from the person you were listening to. If you can’t do this, you are heading for trouble. Listen well people!!

3 thoughts on “Sales Blog: A Key Skill to Learn”
  1. I like how you admitted that you’re no genius but trying to learn! I’m not any better, but from what I’ve seen the first step in becoming really good at something is understanding what you don’t know and working on it which is the same as being apart of sales. I also like how you talk about empathy and how understanding your customer is half the battle! If you know your customer you can know how to sell them on what they need.

  2. It is a bit odd how conversations that have nothing to do with the product end up influencing purchasing decisions. Remembering that we humans are social creatures helps a lot when it comes to persuading people. You’re right when sometimes all it takes to change someone’s opinion of you or your product is to ask how their day is going or offer a kind word. You’re definitely headed in the right direction.

  3. I agree that being an active listener to your client/customer is a great way to build trust and connect with them. If a client feels like you are hearing their concerns and needs, they’ll see that you are not just trying to slip them a greedy deal for yourself, but rather you’re taking the time to truly understand what their needs are and how you can satisfy them.

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