I recently read an article titled “Why Your Sales Emails Aren’t Working, and What to Do About It.” This article drew my interest because last summer, I was sending many sales emails. Not always personalized emails, but more of the mass emails. This article mentions 5 steps.

  1. “Hook recipients before they even open the email” I feel this is very important because the subject line is something I tend to ignore. I usually write the email first then throw whatever in the subject without giving it much thought. To get people to want to open your email, you should put something interesting and hint at the benefits of opening your email.
  2. “Deliver more than just empty words” This means that the recipient should have a clear understanding as to why they received the email and what value it provides them. A straightforward email that provides value can be more beneficial than one with flashy content.
  3. “Make sure communication is a two-way street” The goal of a sales email is to get the customer to engage in a dialogue with you. For this to happen, you can mention an easy way for someone to reach out whether it be by email or something else.
  4. “Write like a human” This one is important to me. I don’t like when people use all these big words trying to sound smart in emails. The best emails are ones that sound like a friendly chat. Catchphrases are not required because the goal is to make a genuine connection.
  5. “Get to know your audience” Just a simple google search about your prospect can usually yield some basic info so you can better know your customer or information about their business. Do not it too personal because it can become creepy.

In all, emails can be very valuable to sales, especially in today’s world. They must be clear and bring value while engaging customers and encouraging conversation.


One thought on “Sales Emails”
  1. Mass emails have become a nuisance for not only the people receiving the emails but also the person in charge of cultivating and sending out the emails themselves, but I don’t think they have to be. The five steps you provided from the article ultimately humanize the emails, as opposed to robotize, which I think is one of the keys to effectiveness in sales emails.

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