While watching various NBA basketball games, I have been surprised how many of the selling tips that we talk about in class are used in advertising throughout. In a lot of commercials now, companies are beginning to take a look at problems instead of just showing solutions. These companies are ones like Snickers, who try to point out the problem of hunger. Also, companies also use the principal of asking questions. Most of the time, cell phone companies and insurance companies often ask questions at the beginning of commercials to get the prospects attention. This type of selling is obviously much different than what we have been practicing in class, but the concepts can be transferred across.

4 thoughts on “Sales in Advertising”
  1. I think that the most effective way is through asking questions. Commercials that ask questions are engaging and make me think of how to justify buying their product. They make compelling cases for their products.

  2. I too have really noticed myself applying principles to advertisements and commercials I see since taking the class. The most effective are the ones that lead you to realize and think about your own problems and pains, and then offer the solvent. Lots of food products do that, to great effect.

  3. I find myself over-analyzing every sales situation that I am in now after taking this class. Even if I am just buying a shirt or something small I pay really close attention to what the sales associate is doing.

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