So, you’re a new entrepreneur with tons of great ideas but you find that no one will listen to them. What’s the problem, why are you being ignored? The problem is this: although you might have a great idea, if you are not able to effectively sell that idea, it might as well not exist. Some entrepreneurs believe that they are not in the business of sales, that they have no reason to learn how to sell. They see themselves as the “idea guys” and they believe that they can leave the selling to the sales staff. However, this is not the case at all. Entrepreneurs must know not only how to sell their ideas, but also how to sell themselves. The have to be able to convince investors that they will be able to capitalize on the ideas that they have. Sales is vital to the success or failure of an entrepreneur’s idea, no matter how good the idea may be.

2 thoughts on “Sales in Entrepreneurship”
  1. I think what you said is very important; entrepreneurs need more than just a great idea. An idea that is great cannot make its way out in the business world if the entrepreneur is unable to sell the idea.

  2. I completely agree with you, entrepreneurship is about so much more than just ideas. Selling is absolutely key when it comes to new businesses, such as investors, if you cant sell an idea to investors, you wont have a business, that is if you need investors.

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