In this extremely funny scene from the movie, “Love Actually”, we find a great example of how NOT to mimic your customer. Lately in class we have been discussing mimicry and relating to a customer in a positive way, whether it be matching their energy, lack of energy, time sensitivity, ect… it is important to relate to the customer. In this scene we see a clear example of a lack of relation from the sales person toward the customer.

Right from the start of the encounter it is easy to tell that the customer is looking to make this a quick purchase and is wanting to leave. His body language is clear, he is looking around, almost bouncing up and down waiting and waiting to get going as soon as possible. The customer even says, “Could we be quite quick?!” knowing that the sales person was taking their time; however, the sales person is oblivious to the time preference of the customer. The sales person continues to try and sell the customer, not picking up on the fact that the customer didn’t want/need the flash, he just wanted the raw product. Because of all of the flash and dressed up sales the sales person loses the sale that he so instantaneously had.

The lesson that I take away from this video is that you can prepare an entire pitch and dress up, but at the end of the day if the customer wants the product quickly, be simple. Match their level of energy and time sensitivity and be practical. This video goes perfectly with what we have been discussing in class. Mimicry is a very important skill to learn and it requires being observant of your customer, picking up on their body language and social cues.

5 thoughts on “Sales in “Love Actually”?”
  1. Hi Todd,
    I liked your detail in taking note on the body language of the customer in the movie. It was a great example of what we went over in class this week. I thought the website with the various body language poses was super interesting. Good use.

  2. I think mimicry is a really cool concept. Seeing it in different movie clips is pretty cool way to see it applied the way Sweet discussed in class!

  3. The video is very obvious on showing how the salesman had absolutely no clue what the customer was wanting or acting, the salesman went into the same old same old sales mode and never took into account the buyers actions and expressions. Mimicry can be a super big help in a sales situation but at the same time there is a line that is too far.

  4. Good stuff! I think it is so important that we learned this. It’s such an important skill to have, and we need to do it well to succeed in sales. Mimicry is the way of relating to customers. It is the way the prospect feels safe and at ease, because without knowing it we’ve purposefully placed ourselves in the position to copy their vibe and personality. It is funny that this sales person can’t see that if they just slow down, show the practical options, and let the prospect decide what they want that the salesperson would instantly have a sale, but I guarantee it is so much easier to fall into this than we think and we have to be careful with that.

    Hope you have a great week!


  5. Mimicry is important when it comes to sales and making a better relationship. This is something that I need to practice. Also, another good point that this scene brings up is to read the customer and the room. If we are oblivious to the actions that the other party is doing than we will fail to realize what they intentions are, which is not good when it comes to making a relationship or selling to someone.

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