Some closing thoughts based off of an article from

Sales in the Startup is essential because it is one of the first actual business functions you do. As soon as you have a idea that you can make any kind of MVP for you need to be talking to customers and trying to sell to them. If you don’t start selling immediately, you will go down a path that your customers will not be interested in. You need to get in your customers head, and the only way to do that is by interviewing and selling.

Numerous of the articles points are customer oriented which is essential for startups. He makes a good point about positioning. He says that you should position yourself against complimentary products, not competitive ones. I’ve never thought of it that way, but it makes sense. If you’re trying to be better than your competition, as a startup you’re probably just going to get brushed under the rug. If you position yourself as something that is extremely useful if you have/do something else, that’s what will grab your customers attention. He also mentions acting your size. A startup is a very small organization and there are certain things they cannot expect to do. Work your way up, but always focus on the customer.


2 thoughts on “Sales in the Startup”
  1. positioning is definitely something you need to worry about. i never thought so much about comparable products instead of competitive ones though.

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