When I walked into this course for the first time, I wondered if there was much I would learn given that I already work in sales as a Financial Advisor. Having finished the course, the answer is a firm yes.


It is important to allow a natural flow in conversation and connection when you are selling because that is the only way it will not feel forced. You want to build a relationship, and that is always done with a healthy back and forth.

Benefits Selling

Features tell, benefits sell. In other words, your product or service may have lots of bells and whistles, but that is not going to motivate someone to buy it. They need to see how those bells and whistles will help them specifically. Understanding how to communicate requires you to understand them before trying to get them to buy anything.

In summary, these are the two biggest things that I learned, and they will have a serious impact on how I approach my own sales job as I go forward. Understanding how to communicate with a prospect in a relevant way for both parties makes a big difference.

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