My dad is a wallpaper hanger, every week or so he is in a new house meeting new people. Because my dad is in his clients houses everyday, for a week or more, my dad uses this opportunity to get to know all his clients on a personable level.

By being personable and willing to listen, my dad has helped many of his clients in big ways. Not just through the service he offers, but also through hard times in their lives as well. In this way my dad is able to both wallpaper peoples houses and minster to them and their families.

Whenever I go to a job with my dad and we are working, he always tells me all about the people who live there. I had never really thought about this before, but the reason he is able to tell me about these people is because the owners of the house have told him about their entire lives.

My dad has always told me to ask people about themselves and not to talk about yourself. I always thought this was just a courteous thing to do, and although that’s true, it is also the foundation of building all relationships. Relationships are the cornerstone of sales, and in order to form them you must go past the superficial business regiment and truly talk to your clients.

Because my dad takes the time to build these relationships, he is able to share his faith with many of his clients and in tern play a big part in some of their lives. Sales puts you in contact with people everyday, people who are broken, hurting, and in need of a savior. Going into your job with this mindset gives you compassion and understanding for your clients, as well as a a work ethic that strives not just for clients but for Christ. My dad has shown me the importance of using a pretty humble job like paperhanging, as a tool to love people and further Gods kingdom.

3 thoughts on “Sales is a chance to minister”
  1. This is so great, as we are called to make Christ know in all aspects of our life. Your Dad is living out Jesus’s command, and it is inspiring. This is a great application of being a christian business owner, and it is good to know that business owners like your father exist.

  2. I like how you brought up the personal relationships that sales interactions create. I also thought it was interesting how your dad tells you about the people who live in the house you are working on, because I think it could give work a purpose of more than just getting paid.

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