This blog post will be about a concept that is mostly known in colleges and that is a sales lab. Basically a sales lab is an idea that helps people to find a new way to test innovative ideas into the work place and produce highly targeted results. Basically what it says is that we are effectively making a place to test great ideas to test for the sales world.

A sales lab is something that in my future job I will want and i would think that most other people will agree with me on this topic. Having a sales lab is something that will help me to be productive in my job and make my teammates and myself better salespeople.

The reason I love sales labs is because they can work in a multitude of different ways and be effective for each. What I want to say the most is that the idea of testing new and effective sales strategies is the key, it is important to test new ways to sell and not just mess around with it or it will be ruined.

One thought on “Sales labs”
  1. I think this is really interesting! This could definitely be helpful for those who are new to sales, and I like that the results are highly targeted. I feel like this could help relieve some of the anxiety of the sales process, too. Thanks for sharing Anthony!!

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