There are many challenges as a salesperson and one of the most common is hitting a plateau. No matter how hard you are trying, your progress and sales are at a standstill, and you aren’t sure why. In this blog post, I will outline the ways that a salesperson can get themselves out of a plateau. There are many different ways to get yourself out of a sales plateau and I will be outlining those details throughout this post. The first being; taking a step back and really looking at your situation and asking some critical questions about it. Once you have done this, you can determine which part of your sales process might be holding you back. The next step to overcoming a plateau is having the attribute of persistence. I think this is something that is very important for a salesperson to have. There are going to be tough times when you are working in sales, and you cannot let those tough times discourage you. The next thing that a salesperson might do if they are stuck in a plateau; is figuring out how they can innovate their sales process to make it more appealing to their prospects. Maybe it is time to introduce some new technology or do some more analytics about what is working and what is not working. The last thing that I will outline is, building up your expertise. This probably looks different for each salesperson, but it could mean you go out and get some new sales training or you just practice more and more to really get comfortable as a salesperson. Hitting a plateau can be really tough for a salesperson, but here are some great ways that you can pull yourself out of that plateau.

One thought on “Sales Plateau: What is it and how do you Overcome One?”
  1. Hey Cayden, this is a great post! The sales plateau is certainly an important aspect in sales, and innovation and persistence are two very important aspects of a sales plateau and in selling in general.

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