This past week we had to all take the hot seat during class and sell to a potential prospect.  This was very fun to watch and to experience myself.  I saw a lot of the same tactics being used such as the 70/30 rule, and “on a scale of 1-10”.  Watching people in these types of sales situations was very interesting and it really taught me a lot.  Being able to observe this really helped me in my presentation because if there were any chances of curveballs being thrown in my direction, I would knock it out of the park.  I went into the hot seat with a lot of confidence, and I really tried to exaggerate the 70/30 rule.  I believe I did a good job letting the prospect do the majority of the talking because I asked why to a lot of their responses.  I let them do most of the talking and that really helped me find their pain points.

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