Sales Strategy Guide: 5 Steps to More Efficient Selling | Salesforce

The key is to focus on your customers.

Create a sales process that matches your customers and product, and selling will go swimmingly.

Make your process REPEATABLE and sales will come.

A sales strategy sets a path for hitting revenue goals. A sales strategy is always iterating as well, and the sellers should continually adjust them.

A good sales strategy will help all your sellers to be on the same page and give them a script for success with a vision for their job.

This will also provide sellers with clear steps to take to advance customers through funnels.

A Sales strategy will make onboarding new clients faster and make sellers more productive. Sellers will also notice a heavy improvement in their pitching abilities and real-time visibility into the art of the sale.

How to build your Sales strategy:

Step 1. Define your sales target.

Step 2. Determine your target customer and selling channel.

Step 3. Build the most efficient sales process to hit your numbers. This includes prospecting, qualifying, researching, pitching, overcoming objections, closing, nurturing and continuing to sell.

Step 4. Fill your sales pipeline with enough leads to hit your target.

Step 5. Put your sales process to work and improve as you go.

Joey Guida

One thought on “Sales Strategy Guide: 5 Steps to More Efficient Selling”
  1. Having a process being continually evaluated and reviewed is a great way to ensure quality and relevance! The fast moving market needs re-evaluated constantly, and I love that you addressed this in your post. Clarifying a pipeline strategy versus continually cold calling is another good point, great post!

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