Sales in the Startup has really been an eye-opening experience, as well as a struggle. I never thought of the sales tactics we have learned about before this class. the 30/70 ratio hit me straight up, like wow. The way a good salesperson digs and discovers information like Professor Sweet does is truly an art. If you would’ve asked me to sell you a pen before this class, I would’ve went into this long pitch on how this is the most comfortable, sleek looking pen in the world. I would’ve thrown 50 things at you on why you should buy that pen. I never really thought of zeroing in on the client more and discovering why they wanted that product. I was centered on my pitch and my promotion ability to entice you into the sale.

This truly was a great class for so many reasons. The books were really on topic and focused on the things to really do more when selling.  We had an experienced professor who brought a lot to the table and offered first-hand accounts and experience. We some students who had great examples of sales stories they have experienced for better or for worst.

Sales is one of the crucial foundations to a business. You can’t survive without them. From an entrepreneur selling his vision to his employees, to an employee finding out if they are right for the product they are selling. The whole perception of sales has been changed in my mind, and I think many others. We are really selling ourselves through everything we do and say.

Not only was this a great class for sales, but it taught you a new way to tackle a lot of other aspects in your life. I have even noticed changes in simple conversations with friends. Ways you dig more and try to explore their mind. I was a big fan and would love to hear what you have to say about this class!

One thought on “Sales Struggles of an Extrovert”
  1. I love how Professor Sweet has framed what sales is so well, just like you said. Sales is about the customer pain not about framing your product in the best way possible.

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