The recent discussions on sales symmetry and trust have interesting connections. The sales world is changing because customers now have access to any information they desire on virtually any product. No longer do salespeople completely have the upper hand on knowledge and information of what they’re selling. I think that shift relates to Coach DiDonato’s presentation on sales, specifically his emphasis on trust. Sales people, and by that I mean most people, need to realize that they may have something good to offer, but the playing field is evening. In order for your solution to a customer’s problem to be heard, you must earn speaking and trust rights by listening. Listening is another level of hearing and requires the right questions, slowly progressing in specificity and towards pressure points. We are now in a world of caveat venditor, or seller beware, so it is the seller that must be on his or her heels. Asking questions, I believe, allows room for the power to return back to the hands of the seller.

One thought on “Sales Symmetry and Shifting Trust”
  1. The emphasis on trust in Coach DiDonato’s presentation aligns with the shift in power dynamics. It’s crucial for salespeople to recognize that the playing field is now more level, emphasizing the need to earn speaking and trust rights through active listening.

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