Today in class we talked about attunement and how our power can be increased by reducing it. I was particularly intrigued with how this was such a valid comparison with the gospel.

It is common knowledge to us that Jesus is an example of a lot of things, but we would never think of Jesus as an example of how we should sell. A common principle in sales is to not come on too strong, but the phraseology that Pink uses to convey that to his readers is very interesting.

“Increase power by reducing it.”

Those five words put a lot into perspective for me not only about sales, but also about the nature of Jesus and his time on earth. We know that he was fully human and fully God, which is entitlement to some major bragging rights, but that’s something he never did. His nature and kindness lead people to be naturally drawn to him, and as salespeople, we need to do the same. We don’t need to push, shove, and hold people down until they hear our full one-minute pitch, but we do need to be relational, empathetic, and ready to lend a listening ear to our customer. If we as sales people want to make it to the closing portion of the ABC’s, then we should learn how to be a true salesperson: the customer’s needs ahead of our own.

2 Corinthians 12:9


3 thoughts on “Sales // The Gospel”
  1. I believe the root about increasing your power by reducing it is humility. If one is humble the natural right is to reduce their own power. I think you make a strong point about the connection of the gospel to sales.

  2. The connection between Pink’s idea of attunement and the Gospel’s truth about humility was very striking to me as well. You said it well in your post-I think changing the perspective of a salesperson as someone who puts the customer’s needs ahead of their own is radical but effective, and the best way to be a salesperson. Sometimes I have a hard time of understanding how to apply certain things in the Bible such as “increase your power by reducing it” but I think the salesperson and the prospective buyer are a prime example of where we can implement Jesus’s teachings into our lives and practice what He has taught us.

  3. I agree with the above comments. This was something that really stuck out to me because the Gospel’s truth is not traditionally tied into sales. Personally, it brought a new light to the idea of sales and how one should consider it from a Christian perspective. Being able to put yourself in another person’s position and put their needs ahead of your own is something that I believe we should all strive for.

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