While I was scrolling through my feed on LinkedIn, an interesting article came up on my timeline entitled, “8 Tricks of the World’s Best Salespeople”, which is an article featured on American Express. I decided to read the article and will share some of the interesting insights that I gained. The first interesting point that the article made was to “understand that you don’t have to make everyone happy.” The article claims that salesman need to follow the 80/20 rule and realize that they either do not have the exact product or service that new clients are looking for, or be okay with focusing on their best clients and transferring the less successful or happy clients elsewhere. Next, the article expresses the importance of letting the customers sell themselves on the product or service. One of the greatest dangers of being a salesperson is overselling and trying to convince the client to buy,buy,buy; the best way to close a sale is to not only genuinely believe that the client that you are working with may be benefited by your product or service, but to help “sell” them on that idea as well. Finally, the article interestingly says that one of the best ways to help sell products to your clients is to get them to say no. By getting a client to say no or reject something that may be wrong for them, this helps both the salesperson and the customer better “narrow down” the needs or requirements that they may have for the buying experience. For example, if a client is at a car dealership to get a car, getting that person to say no to a 2-door sports coupe may be what is best for the deal. While a 2-door RWD sports car may be a fun driving experience, if your client has a larger family, then this option may not work and it will help the client meet their needs better throughout the buying process. Overall, this was an interesting article that had unique perspectives and insights into sales.


Article Link: https://www.americanexpress.com/en-us/business/trends-and-insights/articles/8-tricks-of-the-worlds-best-salespeople/


By Asher

2 thoughts on “Sales Tricks Article”
  1. That seems like it was a very interesting and very insightful article to read. I specifically liked the part about getting the customer to sell themselves on the product. I think that is a great idea because then they don’t feel any pressure except the pressure they put on themselves.

  2. I like what you had to say about this article. I like the idea of making the client sell themselves on the product by making them say no to other products. This seem to be in line with what we have learned in class. It is best to be on the side of the client and help them find what their needs are and how you can best help them fulfill these needs.

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