I think that being a great businessman first means being a great salesmen. Being a great salesman means so much more than just simply being able to sell paper. A salesman is somebody who is both perceptive and perseverant, yet at the same time has charisma. A great salesman knows how to sell himself and thus has all the necessary attributes to start and run a successful business.

In the beginning stages of every business, the founder has to wear a lot of different hats, each of which symbolizes a different role that he has to fulfill in any given day. I feel that the pure nature of having to think fast on your feet as a salesperson means that they can handle any problem that may be thrown at them in their own business and even personal life. This whole idea kind of goes back to my blog post about the practical application of sales. Either way, being able to sell greatly increases your chances of making smart business decisions.

You may be asking, well if I’m not the greatest salesperson, can I still have my own business? The answer to this question is an emphatic yes. You don’t need to be Will Smith from Hitch to run a business, but trying to increase your skill and comfort level in a sales setting will help you in the long run.

2 thoughts on “Salesmen as Business Owners”
  1. I really enjoyed the office comment about paper. It made me want to keep reading and kept me interested the whole time. I think that it is so true that salesmen have broadened so much that every startup is a salesman role in which they must show their company in the best light.

  2. Nearly every single job I’ve looked into has something to do with sales. The salesman role really has become such an important role in our society.

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