A good example of an unmotivated salesman was just shown to me when my dad and I tried to buy a mower for our John Deere tractor.  We ended up interacting with several different dealerships to try to get what we wanted.  During this process we ran into several different types of salesmen.  One salesman in Ohio tried his very hardest to get us to go to him and buy from him, he was great and actually got us to say that we were going to drive out to him because we liked him that much.  That ended up not working out because he did not have exactly what we wanted, but he left a great impression.  Another salesman we talked to was just okay, nothing special or notable.  The worst one we had to deal with really stood out to me.  He was not motivated to sell this at all.  He actually even said that he doesn’t need to sell this mower to us and that he will find someone else to buy it if we don’t.  That statement alone kind of rubbed me and my dad wrong and got us off on the wrong foot.  I think not focusing on the customer right in front of you and saying that they are not special and you will find someone else to buy whatever you are selling if they do not buy it is not a good idea.  It makes the customer feel irrelevant and not valued.  I believe the last salesman is reacting to the seller’s market because of equipment shortages allowing for sellers to be able to sell any stock they have whenever they want to whoever they want.  He knew everything on his lot eventually on his lot would sell so he wasn’t feeling the pressure to sell to us specifically.

2 thoughts on “Salesmen In a Business”
  1. I don’t think it’s cool how the last salesmen treated you and your dad. Sure, maybe he didn’t need to sell to you guys, but you’re right in saying that salespeople should always make the customer feel valued. I hope you got the mower! Nice story/post!

  2. This is a cool story because its almost like a goldilocks story, one was good, mediocre, and one was bad. The last dealer seemed to be taking the sales tactic, “drive to no” a little too far. Its hard in this market because there’s a lot of buyers and not as many sellers, but even in this market we should continue to focus on each customer to find a good fit rather than to just sell the product.

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