There are 5 important traits that are a must have for any sales person to be successful. When selling, it can be difficult if you stray away from these traits and try to go your own route.

The first trait that any salesperson needs is to be attentive. Attentive means to pay very close attention to something, and in this case it would apply to being very attentive to the customer that you are talking to. As a sales person you need to know what this customer needs and pay attention to their needs as well as their body language to know how to gage that person and help them the best you can.

The next trait that you would need is to be genuine. Another word for genuine is authentic, which would mean that you are real and shows the customer that you are not just there for money, but really do care about that person and the needs that they have.

After being genuine, confidence is a must for any person who is selling. If you do not have the confidence to talk to someone or confidence in the product that you are selling, then you will not succeed very much. You must have confidence in order to be a sales person.

Adaptivity is a trait that could also be very helpful since as the sales person, you will need to not only help people with different needs, but also be able to use mimicry with each person so that you are not too in your face for people who do not act like that or not too laid back for those who are more outgoing.

The last trait that is crucial to selling is honesty. People truly do appreciate honesty when you are talking to them and at times will even buy something that they do not need just to reward you for treating them well and not just as another sale.

All of these traits can be summed up by one word, which is trustworthy. If you can be trustworthy as a sales person, then you are likely to be successful in whatever product it is that you are selling.

2 thoughts on “Salesperson Traits”
  1. I love this. It definitely so critical to have all of these traits as a salesperson. The two sides of having confidence but yet being honesty and genuine are sooo crucial and having this balance really creates the most effective sales person.

    Good post! Hope you have a great night!


  2. Great list of traits here. I appreciated that you broke down each trait and talked about them separately. These traits not only applies in sales, but also applies in being a good human being. So in general, if you are a good human being, you have a high chance to succeed.

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