Sam Weber is a Grove City Alum and Tech Entrepreneur. Her app is called Profile Passer. It is an app that enables soccer players to be recruited more easily and to expedite the process for college coaches. She taught several valuable lessons in selling in the startup. First, she explained how she had to say no. When she was on a trip to Europe and had an offer to buy her company. She said it was a great offer and very tempting, but she looked over the offer and decided that with the acquisition would come changes in her company that she did not want to happen. She declined the offer and revamped her company and followed the vision she had for it. This is important in the startup environment because money is usually tight and any sale is seen as a success. It is important to not get distracted by money or quick sales, and not to sacrifice the mission of your company to make a quick buck. The second lesson she taught is that everyone gets burnt out. She said she dropped the business idea for almost an entire year because she was worn out and no longer motivated by the work she was doing. This shows that an entrepreneur must wear every hat and take responsibility for almost every portion of the business in the startup phase. This lesson reveals that is important to find a balance in your life when working in a startup.

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