One of the more inspiring lectures this semester was by Sam Weber, alumni of Grove City College and founder of Profile Passer. She came to speak in both Internet Entrepreneurship and Sales in the startup and I am happy to say that I have had the pleasure of hearing her lecture twice.

She told us that as entrepreneurs we have to do whatever it takes. Personally, I believe that this is a very common quality that all successful entrepreneurs have. We do not give up. Entrepreneurs weather the storm, hunt down endorsers (as was in her case), operate on little funds, and still believe in the genius of their idea.

She also said that entrepreneurs share their story with everyone. As a person who is outgoing and open, I have never had a problem sharing my story with anyone. However, it is important that when you share your story of the business you are creating, you are describing the heart of the business and not just yourself. Through sharing your story and the story of the journey of you and your product, people become much more receiving and want to hear more about what you have to offer.

Thirdly, Sam also talked about using video to engage people. Whether this be in websites or presentation, videos are a primary way to grab people’s attention. She actually had videos on her website from her athletic endorsement and that caught all of our attention right away. Similarly, The Soarway Foundation video was very engaging and made me want to pay attention to the cause.
Sam Weber was a very valuable speaker to have in class and I appreciate the insights that she had to offer.

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