I follow politics religiously, and 2016 has been quite the political show. Friends of mine who have never had a political opinion, are all of a sudden posting politically charged posts on Facebook. The campaign trail is full of selling and promises.

You have candidates promising to make America great again, to be Ronald Reagan, to provide free college, and even to never lie again. It seems to me that is impossible to find a “salesman” to trust.

To avoid a political post, I will stray away from talking about one specific candidate. As a consumer (voter) it is vital for us to be informed and to do our research. This includes shopping around, asking others’ for their opinion, and reviewing the products (no matter the brand).

As the candidates continue to sell themselves, I think it is fascinating to watch their sales tactics come through. One that I believe is very productive is the idea of empathy. Candidates who connect with voters emotionally seem to be doing better than others. This sales concept we learned in class transcends all industries and is truly a vital key to successful sale.

Image result for 2016 gop candidates south carolina

One thought on “Sales 2016”
  1. I agree, empathy is a very important sales concept and characteristic which speaks volumes in my opinion. I think it is very interesting and great that you brought up the political debate which has been going on, especially as states begin voting in the primaries because essentially each candidate really is trying to “sell” themselves. Everyone certainly votes for candidates based on the stance they take on certain issues, their prospective plans for office, even their past record sometimes, but I think character (i.e. empathy) is a very important factor as well.

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