In this week’s reading, Sandler’s Rule #4 stuck out to me. The rule states that “a decision not to make a decision is a decision”. It discusses the problem of buyers awkwardly pushing around rejection because they don’t feel comfortable saying no. This can lead to confusion on both ends of the deal and no learning experience for the seller due to lack of clarity. Sandler suggests that salespeople should combat this issue by creating a comfortable environment where no is completely appropriate. Salespeople must embrace and even look forward to the answer being no in order to improve their product / service or realize who a better fit of a buyer might be. Other concepts we’ve discussed that relate to can include making sales comfortable environment to dream and investigate together and “go for no”. Uncovering the truth is vital, even if it is an uncomfortable reality.

2 thoughts on “Sandler Rule #4 on Decisions”
  1. I like how you touched on the awkwardness of pushing around a rejection. I think it’s actually really important to understand those awkward moments and find ways to get out of them without making a customer uncomfortable. That could be a great way to actually impress the buyer and get out of a sticky situation.

    1. Striking at the heart and identifying what is the true pain is very important. understanding what really a real pain for the buyer is key to a successful interaction with the prospect, even if it gets a little touchy touchy.

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