Often in sales, there is one specific strategy that can be widely used and is very helpful. That is the 1-10 scale. It can be used in a variety of different ways, it can be used in the discussion of budgets, to gauge overall interest, and it even sometimes helps with that “go for no” strategy. The questions are fairly simple, for example: on a scale of 1-10 how interested are you in working with us, but the insight and results you can get from this are pretty high.

The first and most obvious thing you can learn from this question is how interested people are in working on the company. The real strength of the number scale does not come from this though, the strength is in the follow-up. Regardless of what number you say, you should follow up with, “why did you not say a lower number.” This is so effective because it forces people to look at the positives of your business, and why they are willing to work with you. This will immensely help with the way they look at your business, and it will also show you what specific features they like about your company.

The scale of 1-10 feature is very useful and can also be adapted to pretty much any part of the conversation. It will help to gauge interest and, if done correctly,

One thought on “Scales in Sales”
  1. Elliott, I completely agree, the 1-10 scale was a big hit especially during our pitches; most people used them and it was always fun to watch how either Professor Sweet or the TA’s handled answering that question.

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